Gris Grimly's Frankenstein is a daunting project. I've been working on it for almost three years now. There is approximately 200 illustrated pages, changes in style, historical letters, authentic diagrams and antiquated type fonts. The broad spectrum would make me vomit if I look at it as a whole. But I take it one night at a time.
At this point, all the artwork for volume one has been completed as well as a good portion of volume two. Editor Jordan Brown has teamed me up with designer Dana Fritts to begin putting all these raw materials together. I'm not sure if she is as mad as I am, but she seems to have a pretty good grasp on things. She has a knack for antique book design and typography. I really like what she is doing thus far.
October being October, it is my life force out of the year. So it is really hard for me to keep up with everything with the addition of events, Halloween affiliated projects and commissions. Some things have to be put on the back cauldron to place attention on immediate and encroaching deadlines. One of those things is the volume of Frankenstein work I can do in a week as well as the attention spent on blogs.
But I assure you, once November rolls it's ugly head around, I will be back at it. Posting like a madman and slapping new Frankenstein art around like I'm on campaign.
Be Grim!
Gris Grimly
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